


2、当宽度不够时出现,解决方案设置CategoryAxis的wrapLabels属性( Only works if parseDates is false)

    Also make sure that maxLabelLength is not set which is truncating the labels.



    ——We consider to use the Flex components of amCharts in our comercial product. Before we buy an OEM-License it is important to know, if we can satisfy the following requirement: is it possible to have a gap in a AMSerialChart. We tried to use a value of NaN, but in this case the AMSerialChart ignores the value and connects the previous with the following data point. A value of null is treated as 0. So is there any possibility to interrupt the line of an AMSerialChart in case of there is no data value for as certain measuring point? Thank you for answers.

——Yes, it is possible to have gaps. Use NaN and set set connect="false" on your graph.
        Fixed since v  http://www.amcharts.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=6309
6、I just want to take an arraycollection of arraycollections and for each add a lineseries. How do you do that?
     ——Well, you can't use separate dataProvider for each line. There's a single dataProvider for the whole chart. Separate graphs just use different column/property of the same ArrayCollection.

You would need to to reformat your data to accommodate for that. http://www.amcharts.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=8579

7、 Show balloon for zero values
       The only solution would be to use ChartCursor. In that case the balloon would show up even on 0-value columns. http://www.amcharts.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=8403

8、 How to use the descriptionField property of a amGraph?
I have set the dataprovider for a AmSerialChart and there was a field named "description" in the dataprovider. I have also set the descriptionField for a AmGraph,but the description did not dispear on the chart. How to use the descriptionField property ?

——You need to use [[description]] metacode in either your balloonText, labelText or legendValueText properties.

9、amcharts目前不支持XMLListCollections in AMCharts

10、使用AmSeriealChart的属性:prefixesOfSmallNumbers 和 prefixesOfBigNumbers


11、使用smoothLine出现的问题: issue with line charts


——The only solution is to disable line smoothing I'm afraid. The line smoothing algorithm is not very reliable when it comes there are very few datapoints.

12、 When I use AmSerialChart, Can I set the position of ChartScrollbar?


13、 有关时间轴的一个问题:后台返回的数据为0.25,0.5,0.75,1,2。单位为天,我现在想在图表上面显示1/4天、1/2天、3/4天之类的。该如何实现呢?


14、Whether ValueAxis’title supports the Chinese font?

        ——You have to embed fonts in order valueAxis title to be visible.

        Add <mx:NumberFormatter precision="2" id="nf"/> to your application (outside the chart), and the set numberFormatter="{nf}" for the chart or for individual graph.

15、Can i graph two lines on one chart with two different datasource?

I want to graph two lines on one chart,but the line of datasource comes from different arraycollection.
The most important is that the value of x-Axis about the two lines is different.
For example , one is Month,the other is Date.
How can i do it?
Looking forward your reply!

——There is no way to do this. You can set a separate data provider for a graph, but it will only show values of the dates/series which are available in main data provider.

16、How to remove "max" value on valueaxis?

        ——Hey Wolffen,I did a little searching on this site and found this idea: http://www.amcharts.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=6055
However, that doesn't solve your problem. It just sets everything to blank. I did find a fix to this though:

What I am doing is setting a variable in the initialize function that draws out the graphs. I am setting the variable to the valueAxis.max and calling it vAxisBackup.
Then, I set a click event on the reset button after many different filters have been applied that sets the vAxis.max back to the vAxisBackup.

public function init():void {
vAxisBackup = vAxis.max;

private function resetAxis():void {
vAxis.max = vAxisBackup;

I have tested this with many different filters applied and it seems to be working great.

17、Dynamic charts based on data change

        ——You can bind your dataprovider of the chart to an arraycollection this will update the chart whenever the arraycollection changes. If you are looking to change the graphs inside the chart(change the value fields etc) then you can listen for the dataUpdated event and implement the code according to your need..

18、Multiple graphs with independent date axis points?


All the examples in both the Flex components and Stock chart have all points for each line graph occuring at the same date (i.e. one x value and several y values). In our case, each graph may have points which occur at dates which are independent of each other.

The only way I can see to implement this is to merge the data from several graphs (omitting the values where a graph doesn't have a point at a given date), and enable the connect across missing data option. This is okay, but doesn't allow for genuine missing data (i.e. where gaps are actually wanted). To achieve that, it is necessary to split a graph into several graphs at the boundaries of the missing data.

Is this the correct way to achieve this in amCharts, or is there a more elegant solution?

/Thanks, Ross.

http://www.amcharts.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=4098 暂时无解决方案

19、The most quick method to remove all value axes and all graphs would be setting new array for valueAxes:

chart.valueAxes = [];

20、 connect = false and ChartCursor performance?

         —— http://www.amcharts.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=6717

21、display labelText when value is null ?

        amGraph.labelText= "Some Text: [[value == null ? '' : value]]";

Instead of {series:"a", value1:null, value2:2}


{series:"a", value2:2}


22、 Variable number of graphs in serialchart?


var newGraphs:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();

// Create AmGraphs
for (i = 0; i < holdingsCount; i++) {

    var graph:AmGraph = new AmGraph();

    graph.type = "line";

    /* TODO: properties to set
    graph.bullet = "round";
    graph.hideBulletsCount = 30;
    graph.lineColor = "#396184";
    graph.fillColors = new Array(["#396184", "#002144"]);
    graph.lineThickness = 2;
    graph.fillAlphas = new Array([1]);
    graph.balloonText = Config.dds_graph_tooltip_label;
    graph.balloonColor = "#555555";

    graph.valueField = "" + i;
    graph.title = model.holdings[i].title;

view.chart.graphs = newGraphs.toArray();

23、 如果想显示如下图所示的图表该如何做?

Or you could use guide, but label could be easier, as with guide you'll need to get max value of the axis first.


24、 How do I use Date categories which includes hour and minute?

Hi, I try to create a date based serial chart using the "Date-time based category axis" in the examples, the data looks like this:

{date:new Date(2009,9,2,0),value:11,value2:2},
{date:new Date(2009,9,2,6),value:15,value2:3},
{date:new Date(2009,9,2,12),value:13,value2:2},
{date:new Date(2009,9,2,18),value:17,value2:1},
{date:new Date(2009,9,3,0),value:19,value2:2},
{date:new Date(2009,9,3,6),value:21,value2:2},
{date:new Date(2009,9,3,12),value:20,value2:2},
{date:new Date(2009,9,3,18),value:20,value2:3},
{date:new Date(2009,9,4,0),value:19,value2:4},
{date:new Date(2009,9,4,6),value:25,value2:3},
{date:new Date(2009,9,4,12),value:24,value2:2},
{date:new Date(2009,9,4,18),value:26,value2:2},

There are multiple items in one day, but in different hours. When I run the application, items in the same day overlap together. Is there a way to separate them? Thanks.






26、Line Chart GraphEvent Roll over graph item


27、 DataProvider/CategoryField on Chart and individual Graphs


FLex时间类与LOng类关系 http://fuyanqing03.iteye.com/blog/434347

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